[Python-Dev] PEP 446: Open issues/questions

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 00:34:01 CEST 2013

2013/7/28 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>:
>> (B) Should subprocess make the file descriptors of pass_fds
>> inheritable? If yes, should it be done before or after the fork? If it
>> is done after the fork and before exec, it only affects the child
>> process, at least on Linux (the file descriptor is still
>> non-inheritable in the parent process).
> If it is done, it should definitely be done after the fork, IMO.
> subprocess shouldn't have any long-lasting effects on the process.

I modified the subprocess module to make fds of pass_fds inheritable.

If we don't do that, it will probably break all applications using
pass_fds (and so the backward compatibility).


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