[Python-Dev] Add "e" (close and exec) mode to open()

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Tue Jan 8 17:45:59 CET 2013

2013/1/8 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>:
> 2013/1/8 Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org>:
>> 2013/1/8 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>:
>>> 2013/1/8 Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org>:
>>>> Okay, fair enough, but I really would like it not to ever raise
>>>> NotImplementedError. Then you would end up having different codepaths
>>>> for various oses anyway.
>>> So what do you suggest?
>> If the only systems it doesn't work on is ancient RedHat, that's probably okay.
> What do you mean? NotIlmplementedError is acceptable if only rare
> and/or old OS raise such issue?

We have to draw the line somewhere. People writing Python to run on
such systems will already have to be aware of such issues.


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