[Python-Dev] please back out changeset f903cf864191 before alpha-2

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sat Aug 24 12:58:44 CEST 2013

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013 15:57:50 +1000
Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 24 August 2013 15:32, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:
> > So, to put it more nicely, I think this feature was added without the
> > amount of review that it needs, and now that I've given it that review, I'm
> > asking for removal of the feature and a proper redesign that fits into the
> > existing library.
> FWIW, it seems to me that this is something that could live in *tulip*
> as an adapter between the tulip data processing APIs and the existing
> ElementTree incremental parsing APIs, without needing to be added
> directly to xml.etree at all.

This is not an adapter, it's a new feature that ElementTree wasn't
providing before. The need to process data in a non-blocking way
(not merely incremental) didn't appear with Tulip, and the fact that the
API is *inspired* by Tulip doesn't make it Tulip-specific.

(I'm also curious why Tulip would start providing data-processing APIs:
until now, I thought it's supposed to be a networking library :-))

Furthermore, such a feature has to access implementation details of
ElementTree, so it's only natural that it be provided in ElementTree.

By the way, just know that Stefan tried to provide a patch that would
better suit his API desires, and failed because ElementTree's current
implementation makes it difficult to do so.

Someone can take the whole thing over if they want to, change the API
and make it more shiny or different, tweak the implementation to suit
it better to their own aesthetic sensibilities, but please don't revert
an useful feature unless it's based on concrete, serious issues rather
than a platonic disagreement about design.



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