[Python-Dev] Python Bug Day in October

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Wed Oct 24 04:10:54 CEST 2012

Le 23/10/2012 21:52, R. David Murray a écrit :
> This is very disappointing.  You had previously said that it was a go.
> People (who may or may not have spoken up here) may have already
> arranged space and be planning on it, despite the lack of announcement.
> I certainly was planning on it.

Okay, I was assuming silence meant the user groups had made no definite
arrangements.  The decision of not having a physical sprint in Montreal
doesn't have to affect the whole day, so I will be connected from home,
and the other people who wanted to participate can join in.

To make it clear: Bug day on IRC this Saturday is still on.

I'm updating the old wiki page to point to the new devguide and Petri's
bug list.
- http://docs.python.org/devguide/
- http://piratepad.net/pyconfi-sprint-issues

Sorry for the confusion.

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