[Python-Dev] Adding a builtins parameter to eval(), exec() and __import__().

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 00:26:32 CET 2012

On 07/03/2012 16:33, Mark Shannon wrote:
> It should also help with sandboxing, as it would make it easier to
> analyse and thus control access to builtins, since the execution context
> of all code would be easier to determine.

pysandbox patchs __builtins__ in:

  - the caller frame
  - the interpreter state
  - all modules

It uses a read-only dict with only a subset of __builtins__. It is 
important for:

  - deny replacing a builtin function
  - deny adding a new "superglobal" variable
  - deny accessing a blocked function

If a module or something else leaks the real builtins dict, it would be 
a vulnerability.

pysandbox is able to replace temporary __builtins__ everywhere and then 
restore the previous state.

Can you please explain why/how pysandbox is too restrictive and how your 
proposition would make it more usable?

> Currently, it is impossible to allow one function access to sensitive
> functions like open(), while denying it to others, as any code can then
> get the builtins of another function via f.__globals__['builtins__'].
> Separating builtins from globals could solve this.

For a sandbox, it's a feature, or maybe a requirement :-)

It is a problem if a function accessing to the trusted builtins dict is 
also accessible in the sandbox. I don't remember why it is a problem: 
pysandbox blocks access to the __globals__ attribute of functions.


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