[Python-Dev] PEP 414

Hynek Schlawack hs at ox.cx
Fri Mar 2 21:23:25 CET 2012

Am 02.03.2012 um 20:44 schrieb Barry Warsaw:

>> 3.3 is the IMHO the first 3.x release that brings really cool stuff to the
>> table and might be the tipping point for people to start embracing Python 3 –
>> despite the fact that Ubuntu LTS will alas ship 3.2 for the next 10 years. I
>> hope for some half-official back port there. :)
> Although I disagree with the premise (I think Python 3.2 is a fine platform to
> build many applications on)

Just to be clear: I didn't say 3.2 is “bad” or “not fine”. It's just the fact that people need more than “fine” to feel urged to switch to Python 3. I sincerely hope 3.3 fulfills that and if PEP 414 even makes porting easier we might have a perfect storm. :)

> it's probably likely what we'll have backports of
> stable Python 3 releases to 12.04, at the very least in semi-official PPAs.

That's what I've been hoping for. Maybe it will work the other way around too: People like 3.3, target it first and port back later to reach more users. It's all about encouraging people to try the nectar of Python 3 – once they're caught it's sticky sweetness[1]… ;)


[1] disclaimer: sticky sweetness only applies if you're not a maintainer of wsgi-related middleware/framework

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