[Python-Dev] Compiling Python on Linux with Intel's icc

Alex Leach albl500 at york.ac.uk
Fri Mar 2 17:29:39 CET 2012

On 02/03/2012 14:52, "Antoine Pitrou" <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:

>Did you compare the actual code sizes? The `size` command can help you
>with that.

I'd never used `size` before... Thanks for the tip; looks like the Intel
build is actually smaller..? :/

# ICC version (`ls -lh` ==> 4.7MB)
$ size ./python 
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
1659760  276904   63760 2000424  1e8628 ./python

# System version (`ls -lhH` ==>2.7MB)
$ size /usr/bin/python
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
2303805  427728   74808 2806341  2ad245 /usr/bin/python

I definitely don't get what's going on here! Does this information relate
to linked objects being in shared or static libs? Is this indicative
anything, either good or bad?

>That's an extremely silly benchmark, unlikely to be representative of
>any actual Python workload. I suggest you try a less-trivial benchmark
>suite, such as: http://hg.python.org/benchmarks/

lol, yes it is a silly benchmark! Still, when I first started compiling
python, without any optimisation options, this silly little script took up
to 6-8x more time to process than the default GCC version. (~17s cf. <3s).
And the script hardly took that long to write!

Thanks for the benchmark recommendation; I'll use that on the next build -
hopefully after passing the math tests!



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