[Python-Dev] PEP 408 -- Standard library __preview__ package

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Jan 28 03:02:02 CET 2012

On 27/01/2012 20:43, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Eli Bendersky wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Following an earlier discussion on python-ideas [1], we would like to
>> propose the following PEP for review. Discussion is welcome.
> I think you need to emphasize that modules in __preview__ are NOT 
> expected to have a forward-compatible, stable, API. This is a feature 
> of __preview__, not a bug, and I believe it is the most important 
> feature.
> I see responses to this PEP that assume that APIs will be stable, 

I didn't see responses like that - the *point* of this pep is to allow 
an api we think *should* be in the standard library stabilise and mature 
(that's how I see it anyway). There is a difference between "not yet 
stable" and "we will make huge gratuitous changes" though. We *might* 
make huge gratuitous changes, but only if they're really needed (meaning 
they're huge but not gratuitous I guess).

> and that having a module fail to graduate out of __preview__ should be 
> an extraordinary event. 

I would say this will probably be the case. Once we add something there 
will be resistance to removing it and we shouldn't let things rot in 
__preview__ either. I would say failing to graduate would be the 
exception, although maybe not extraordinary.

> But if this is the case, then why bother with __preview__? It just 
> adds complexity to the process -- if __preview__.spam and spam are 
> expected to be the same, then just spam straight into the std lib and 
> be done with it.
I think you're misunderstanding what was suggested. The suggestion was 
that once spam has graduated from __preview__ into stdlib, that 
__preview__.spam should remain as an alias - so that code using it from 
__preview__ at least has a fighting chance of working.

> This PEP only makes sense if we assume that __preview__.spam and spam 
> *will* be different,

I disagree. Once there is a spam they should remain the same. 
__preview__ is for packages that haven't yet made it into the standard 
library - not a place for experimenting with apis that are already there.
> even if only in minor ways, and that there might not even be a spam. 
> There should be no expectation that every __preview__ module must 
> graduate, 

Graduate or die however.
> or that every standard library module must go through __preview__. If 
> it is stable and uncontroversial, __preview__ adds nothing to the 
> process.
Sure. __preview__ is for things that *need* previewing.

All the best,

Michael Foord

> Even when there are candidates for inclusion with relatively stable 
> APIs, like regex, we should *assume* that there will be API 
> differences between __preview__.regex and regex, simply because it is 
> less harmful to expect changes that don't eventuate than to expect 
> stability and be surprised by changes.
> This, I believe, rules out Antoine's suggestion that modules remain 
> importable from __preview__ even after graduation to a full member of 
> the standard library. We simply can't say have all three of these 
> statements true at the same time:
> 1) regular standard library modules are expected to be backward 
> compatible
> 2) __preview__ modules are not expected to be forward compatible
> 3) __preview__.spam is an alias to regular standard library spam
> At least one of them has to go. Since both 1) and 2) are powerful 
> features, and 3) is only a convenience, the obvious one to drop is 3). 
> I note that the PEP, as it is currently written, explicitly states 
> that __preview__.spam will be dropped when it graduates to spam. This 
> is a good thing and should not be changed.
> Keeping __preview__.spam around after graduation is, I believe, 
> actively harmful. It adds complexity to the developer's 
> decision-making process ("Should I import spam from __preview__, or 
> just import spam? What's the difference?"). It gives a dangerous 
> impression that code written for __preview__.spam will still work for 
> spam.
> We should be discouraging simple-minded recipes like
> try:
>     import spam
> except ImportError:
>     from __preview__ import spam
> spam.foo(a, b, c)
> since they undermine the vital feature of __preview__ that the 
> signature and even the existence of spam.foo is subject to change.
> I would go further and suggest that __preview__ be explicitly called 
> __unstable__. If that name is scary, and it frightens some users off, 
> good! The last thing we want is when 3.4 comes around to have dozens 
> of bug reports along the line of "spam.foo() and 
> __preview__.spam.foo() have different function signatures and aren't 
> compatible". Of course they do. That's why __preview__.spam existed in 
> the first place, to allow the API to mature without the expectation 
> that it was already stable.
> Since __preview__.spam (or, as I would prefer, __unstable__.spam) and 
> spam cannot be treated as drop-in replacements, what is 
> __preview__.spam good for? Without a stable API, __preview__.spam is 
> not suitable for use in production applications that expect to run 
> under multiple versions of the standard library.
> I think the PEP needs more use-cases on who might use 
> __preview__.spam, and why. These come to my mind:
> * if you don't care about Python 3.x+1, then there is no reason not to
>   treat Python 3.x's __preview__.spam as stable;
> * rapid development proof-of-concept software ("build one to throw away")
>   can safely use __preview__.spam, since they are expected to be replaced
>   anyway;
> * one-use scripts;
> * use at the interactive interpreter;
> * any other time where forward-compatibility is not required.
> I am reminded of the long, often acrimonious arguments that took place 
> on Python-Dev a few years back about the API for the ipaddr library. A 
> lot of the arguments could have been short-circuited if we had said 
> "putting ipaddr into __preview__ does not constitute acceptance of its 
> API".
> (On the other hand, if __preview__ becomes used in the future for 
> library authors to fob-off criticism for 18 months in the hope it will 
> just be forgotten, then this will be a bad thing.)


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