[Python-Dev] Coroutines and PEP 380

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Jan 22 00:22:56 CET 2012

Glyph wrote:

> Yes, but you /can/ look at a 'yield' and conclude that you /might/ need 
> a lock, and that you have to think about it.

My concern is that you will end up with vastly more 'yield from's
than places that require locks, so most of them are just noise.
If you bite your nails over whether a lock is needed every time
you see one, they will cause you a lot more anxiety than they

> Sometimes there's no alternative, but wherever I can, I avoid thinking, 
> especially hard thinking.  This maxim has served me very well throughout 
> my programming career ;-).

There are already well-known techniques for dealing with
concurrency that minimise the amount of hard thinking required.
You devise some well-behaved abstractions, such as queues, and
put all your hard thinking into implementing them. Then you
build the rest of your code around those abstractions. That
way you don't have to rely on crutches such as explicitly
marking everything that might cause a task switch, because
it doesn't matter.


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