[Python-Dev] "Documenting Python" is moving to devguide

Sandro Tosi sandro.tosi at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 19:09:10 CET 2012

Hi all,
(another) heads-up about my current work: I've just pushed the
"Documenting Python" doc section (ftr:
http://docs.python.org/documenting/index.html) to devguide. That was
possibile now that we use the same sphinx version on all the active

It was not a re-editing of the content, that might still be outdated
and in need of work, but just a brutal cut & paste of the current
files. Now that we have a central place, additional editing will be
much more easy.

The section is still available in the cpython repo, and I'm waiting to
remove it because it's better to have some redirections in place from
the current urls to the new ones. I've prepared a small set of
RewriteRules (attached): I don't know the actual setup of apache for
docs.p.o but at least they are a start :) whomever has root access,
could please review & apply those rules?

Once the rewrites are in place, i'll take care of removing the
Doc/documenting dir from the active branches.

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
-------------- next part --------------
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule /documenting/$              /devguide/documenting.html                                 [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/index.html     /devguide/documenting.html                                 [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/intro.html     /devguide/documenting.html#introduction                    [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/style.html     /devguide/documenting.html#style-guide                     [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/rest.html      /devguide/documenting.html#restructuredtext-primer         [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/markup.html    /devguide/documenting.html#additional-markup-constructs    [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/fromlatex.html /devguide/documenting.html#differences-to-the-latex-markup [NE,R=permanent,L]
        RewriteRule /documenting/building.html  /devguide/documenting.html#building-the-documentation      [NE,R=permanent,L]

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