[Python-Dev] Add a frozendict builtin type

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at haypocalc.com
Tue Feb 28 13:14:15 CET 2012

Updated patch and more justifications.

New patch:
 - dict doesn't inherit from frozendict anymore
 - frozendict is a subclass of collections.abc.Mutable
 - more tests

>  * frozendict.__hash__ computes hash(frozenset(self.items())) and
> caches the result is its private hash attribute

hash(frozenset(self.items())) is preferred over
hash(sorted(self.items())) because keys and values may be unorderable.
frozenset() is faster than sorted(): O(n) vs O(n*log(n)).

frozendict hash doesn't care of the item order creation:

>>> a=frozendict.fromkeys('ai')
>>> a
frozendict({'a': None, 'i': None})
>>> b=frozendict.fromkeys('ia')
>>> b
frozendict({'i': None, 'a': None})
>>> hash(a) == hash(b)
>>> a == b
>>> tuple(a.items()) == tuple(b.items())

frozendict supports unorderable keys and values:

>>> hash(frozendict({b'abc': 1, 'abc': 2}))
>>> hash(frozendict({1: b'abc', 2: 'abc'}))

>  * Add a frozendict abstract base class to collections?

I realized that Mapping already exists and so the following patch is enough:


> See also the PEP 351.

I read the PEP and the email explaining why it was rejected.

Just to be clear: the PEP 351 tries to freeze an object, try to
convert a mutable or immutable object to an immutable object. Whereas
my frozendict proposition doesn't convert anything: it just raises a
TypeError if you use a mutable key or value.

For example, frozendict({'list': ['a', 'b', 'c']}) doesn't create
frozendict({'list': ('a', 'b', 'c')}) but raises a TypeError.

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