[Python-Dev] PEP 414 - Unicode Literals for Python 3

Armin Ronacher armin.ronacher at active-4.com
Sun Feb 26 21:47:39 CET 2012


On 2/26/12 5:45 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> The automatic upgrading of binary strings to unicode strings that
>> would be enabled by this proposal would make it much easier to port
>> such libraries over.
> What "automatic upgrading" is that talking about?
The word "upgrade" is probably something that should be changed.  It
refers to the fact that 'foo' is a bytestring in 2.x and the same syntax
means a unicode string in Python 3.  This is exactly what is necessary
for interfaces that were promoted to unicode interfaces in Python 3 (for
instance Python identifiers, URLs etc.)

> Are you talking about urllib.parse perhaps?
Not only the parsing module.  Headers on the urllib.request module are
unicode as well.  What the PEP is referring to is the urllib/urlparse
and cgi module which was largely consolidated to the urllib package in
Python 3.

> What does "leveraging a native string" mean here?
It means by using a native string to achieve the automatic upgrading
which "does the right thing" in a lot of situations.

> I'm confused. This PEP talks about unicode literals, not native string
> literals, so why would these APIs "directly benefit from this support"?
The native string literal already exists.  It disappears if
`unicode_literals` are future imported which is why this is relevant
since the unicode literals future import in 2.x is recommended by some
for making libraries run in both 2.x and 3.x.


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