[Python-Dev] Modules of plat-* directories

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Oct 23 23:48:20 CEST 2011

> -1. If they were broken, and somebody used them, a bug would be
> reported. That no bug is being reported means that they either
> work fine, or nobody uses them.
> In the former case, removing them will break somebody's code.
> In the latter case, nothing is gained by either keeping or removing
> them.
> So why remove them?

Not worrying whether we should maintain these files or not would be a
reason. Not worrying whether we should document them (or provide a
better way to access these facilities) is another.

Given the messages on the bug tracker issue, it seems that (almost)
nobody uses them *and* they are buggy ;)



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