[Python-Dev] RFC: Add a new builtin strarray type to Python?

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at haypocalc.com
Sat Oct 1 22:06:11 CEST 2011

> Since the integration of the PEP 393, str += str is not more super-fast
> (but just fast).

Oh oh. str+=str is now *1450x* slower than ''.join() pattern. Here is a 
benchmark (see attached script, bench_build_str.py):

Python 3.3

str += str    : 14548 ms
''.join()     : 10 ms
StringIO.write: 12 ms
StringBuilder : 30 ms
array('u')    : 67 ms

Python 3.2

str += str    : 9 ms
''.join()     : 9 ms
StringIO.write: 9 ms
StringBuilder : 30 ms
array('u')    : 77 ms

(FYI results are very different in Python 2)

I expect performances similar to StringIO.write if strarray is implemented 
using a Py_UCS4 buffer, as io.StringIO.

PyPy has a UnicodeBuilder class (in __pypy__.builders): it has append(), 
append_slice() and build() methods. In PyPy, it is the fastest method to build 
a string:

PyPy 1.6

''.join()     : 16 ms
StringIO.join : 24 ms
StringBuilder : 9 ms
array('u')    : 66 ms

It is even faster if you specify the size to the constructor: 3 ms.

> I'm writing this email to ask you if this type solves a real issue, or if
> we can just prove the super-fast str.join(list of str).

Hum, it looks like "What is the most efficient string concatenation method in 
python?" in a frequently asked question. There is a recent thread on python-
ideas mailing list:

"Create a StringBuilder class and use it everywhere"
(I just subscribed to this list.)

Another alternative is a "string-join" object. It is discussed (and 
implemented) in the following issue, and PyPy has also an optional 


Note: Python 2 has UserString.MutableString (and Python 3 has 

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