[Python-Dev] Updated version of PEP-0397 - Python launcher for Windows.

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue May 17 09:38:07 CEST 2011

Hi all,
   I've updated PEP-0397 to try and address some of the comments from 
the last draft.  I've checked the new version into hg, so you can find a 
full diff there, but the key items I've changed are:

* Spelled out the "version qualifier" rules for the shebang lines.
* Spelled out some customization options, both for fine-tuning the 
specific Python version selected and for supporting other Python 
implementations via "custom" commands.
* Indicated the launcher is not supported at all on Win2k or earlier.
* Removed some cruft.

The new version is attached and I welcome all comments, including 
bike-shedding on the environment variable names and INI section/value names.

Note that the reference implementation has not changed - I'll update 
that once there is general agreement on the functionality described in 
the PEP.


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