[Python-Dev] Python Core Mentorship program

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Fri Mar 25 23:47:44 CET 2011

Jesse Noller <jnoller at gmail.com> writes:

> In principle I agree with you

Thanks (truly!) for considering the feedback.

The only further comment I need to make is:

> I want to error on the side of the closed list archives for now. In
> several months, we all might realize it was a monumental mistake. At
> that time, we can fix the problem.

By the nature of the problem, I doubt it will be realised, since the
problem is knowledge *not* getting to the right people. That's hardly
something that will be observable nor measurable easily, certainly not
within a few months.

So, while I will be deprived of a clear “I told you so” response, that
isn't something I'm much interested in anyway; on the other hand, the
members of a closed forum won't be able to detect the problem easily and
will likely not see the need to fix it.

Anyway, good hunting in your endeavours. I hope you can encourage more
people to quickly become confident enough to discuss their Python issues
in public.

 \                   德不孤、必有鄰。 (The virtuous are not abandoned, |
  `\                               they shall surely have neighbours.) |
_o__)                             —孔夫子 Confucius, 551 BCE – 479 BCE |
Ben Finney

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