[Python-Dev] Comments of the PEP 3151

Andrew Bennetts andrew at bemusement.org
Tue Jul 26 02:26:44 CEST 2011

Ethan Furman wrote:
> > […] or "EINTRError" in my order of preference.
> Please not that last one!  ;)

Why not, exactly?

When EINTR happens it's frequently a surprise, but programmers new to
the concept can always search the web for advice on what causes it and
how to deal with it (and after several attempts at dealing with it they
may even get it right).  Searching Google for “InterruptedError” isn't
going to find anything helpful today, and eventually what I expect it
would find is a bunch of pages saying “Look up EINTR.”  How about we
just cut out that middle step and call it what the rest of the world
calls it?

If “InterruptedError” were going to be used for anything other than
EINTR then I could see an argument for abstracting the concept behind a
platform-independent name.  But I think it would be a mistake to treat
anything else as being the same as EINTR.


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