[Python-Dev] red buildbots on 2.7

David Bolen db3l.net at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 01:17:48 CEST 2010

Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks for the alert. I've killed the stuck test and should see some
> runs going through now. Shame, really, I was getting used to seeing a
> nice page of all green results...

In my experience, my OSX and Windows buildbots need some manual TLC on
an ongoing basis.  I kill off stranded python processes several times
a week on both platforms.  OSX actually seems as bad as Windows in
this regard, which is strange given its *nix heritage, but perhaps its
how some of the test processes are created.

Most of the time the stranded processes aren't hurting anything but
local resource, but sometimes they can lock directories, or hang a
build/test for a particular builder.

My windows buildbots also have a tendency to fill up temp, or even if
there's room, get sluggish due to all the cruft left in that
directory, so I periodically clean that out manually as well.

-- David

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