[Python-Dev] [isssue 2001] Pydoc enhancement patch questions

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Thu Jul 29 23:21:40 CEST 2010

> FWIW, I am +1 on dropping tkinter interface.  Tkinter window looks
> foreign next to browser and server-side GUI that opens a new client
> window with each search topic does not strike me as most usable
> design.  Furthermore, I just tried to use it on my OSX laptop and it
> crashed after I searched for pydoc and clicked on the first entry.
> (Another issue is that search window pops under the terminal window.)
> I think Tkinter interface to pydoc may make sense in IDLE, but not in
> the main pydoc GUI.  If the equivalent functionality is available in
> the browser (preferably in the style familiar to docs.python.org
> users, I don't see why we need to keep old GUI and hide new behind a
> new option.

I agree.

What do you think of having a "-i" command line option to enter an 
interactive help session directly from the command line.

This is easy to do.  The instruction when entering and leaving need to 
change a bit, but that isn't hard to do.


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