[Python-Dev] Thoughts fresh after EuroPython

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jul 26 16:06:50 CEST 2010

On Jul 24, 2010, at 07:08 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>privileges enough. So, my recommendation (which surely is a
>turn-around of my *own* attitude in the past) is to give out more
>commit privileges sooner.

+1, though I'll observe that IME, actual commit privileges become much less of
a special badge once a dvcs-based workflow is put in place.  In the absence of
that, I agree that we have enough checks and balances in place to allow more
folks to commit changes.

>approved. A PEP handler should be selected for each PEP as soon as
>possible; without a PEP handler, discussing a PEP is not all that
>useful. The PEP handler should be someone respected by the community
>with an interest in the subject of the PEP but at an arms' length (at
>least) from the PEP author. The PEP handler will have to moderate

This is a good idea, and certainly helps "scale Guido" better.  We might also
consider designating experts who can collaborate on PEP wrangling for certain
topics.  For example, if Martin would normally be the Cheeseshop PEP handler,
but submits his own PEPs on the topic, the handful of experts can take up the
slack when Martin recuses himself on his own PEPs.  I'd hope that we could
always find at least two people to wrangle any PEP, or we've got a bigger
problem to deal with!

Sounds like EuroPython was fun!

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