[Python-Dev] Python-dev signal-to-noise processing question

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Jul 20 19:51:07 CEST 2010

On 7/20/2010 6:59 AM, Oleg Broytman wrote:

>     I know, the task of sending answers like I've sent is quite
> unappreciated.

*I* appreciate it. I mostly do not respond to such because I expect you 
or Aahz will.

> I know, the meaning of my answer is rude because, in short,
> it's simply "Please, go away", and however I stress the "please" part it's
> still "go away". If I were a help seeker it'd be quite a hard blow for me
> to receive such an answer. Yes, I know.

1. I suggested one improvement to the canned response in my previous 
post: expand 'using' to 'using or understanding'.

2. Here is another: mention that Python developers who are willing to 
answer non-development questions already participate on 
python-list/gmane.comp.python.general to answer such questions there.

3. That brings up: also mention gmane.comp.python.general, for those 
like me who prefer the newsgroup interface.

4. Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
"People dislike canned responses no matter how friendly and polite they
sound.   I believe python-dev tradition is to redirect the poster to
python-list but still include at least a hint to what the answer to
his or her question is."

I believe you *did* do that, but it was easily missed. So: end the 
boilerplate with

and put hints here so they stand out.

>     Still, two other alternatives are even worse. The first alternative is
> to not answer "using" questions at all; quite rude. The second is answer
> all questions and make the developers quit the list and found a new quiet
> one.

I brought up that same possibility.

>     I don't see any other alternative, do you? Of those three - which one
> do you prefer?
>     The original question was about using python, that's my understanding.

I agree that it appeared to be, but it was phrased in terms of 
understanding its operation, hence the claim that it was not, and hence 
suggestion 1) above.

Terry Jan Reedy

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