[Python-Dev] IDLE contributors and committers

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Mon Jul 19 01:42:31 CEST 2010

Am 18.07.2010 00:45, schrieb Mark Lawrence:
> On 17/07/2010 22:57, Terry Reedy wrote:
>> On 7/17/2010 8:41 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
>>> IIRC Terry Reedy is also interested in moving IDLE forward.
>> Interested, yes. But until either a) I can commit patches, or b) there
>> is someone who will respond to commit review recommendations with "No,
>> here is why not" or "Yes, committed", I will work on other issues, such
>> as doc issues, for which I can get responses.
>> I am certainly reluctant to recruit others to help, as I did for #9222,
>> if there will be no action indefinitely.
> This is standard Python behavour. 

That phrasing implies that there is purpose behind letting issues rot.
Believe me that this is not the case.

> The worst case I've come across is a 
> patch that dated back to 2001 that had not been dealt with.  But I'm 
> staggered as to how a third party supplies a patch for (say) 2.3, it 
> doesn't get applied, then the issue tracker simply keeps updating the 
> version targeted until we're now at 3.2.  That of course doesn't mean 
> that anything will get done, better wait until py4.7?

If no developer can invest the time necessary before, yes.  Better not
to apply a patch than to rush in something that might have a negative
impact in the long run.  For code such as Python's standard library,
we have to think very carefully about everything that could affect
compatibility or introduce new bugs or regressions.  I don't want to
say that all patches are seriously flawed, but for most patches I
applied I had to make some changes before committing, and I needed time
enough to think about them.

> My approach is very simple, maybe even ruthless, but in the long term I 
> believe it's better for everybody.  Does this patch stay open, yes or 
> no?  At least it gets the mind focused.

And this is what is great about what you're doing, because many issues
can be closed immediately, and some after minor work.

> Some people have complained at me about my approach.  Others have said 
> great job.  Obviously there's no correct or incorrect way, there's nowt 
> as queer as folk.

Of course committers are different.  I guess that most who complained did
what I did, saying "I think you're doing a great job, but try to ...".
Why not take the advice?


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

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