[Python-Dev] Mercurial migration readiness

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Sun Jul 4 14:41:36 CEST 2010

>>>> Not requiring any Mercurial extension to contribute to Python would be a
>>>> nice policy to lower the entry bar.
>>> That is already defeated by the need for the eol extension (which is now
>>> built-in in hg 1.6).  Activating mq is something every developer should
>>> manage...
>> Okay, make that “not requiring any third-party Mercurial extension” :)
> mq is anything but third-party.

Sorry, I didn’t want to imply that. What I meant was: Since eol is
already a requirement, and since extensions provide tremendously useful
things, it’s okay to require or recommend some of them.

MQ is in another category IMO not because it’s not shipped-with, since
it is, but because it makes you think differently that regular Mercurial
usage. (Not saying better or worse, just differently, thus a bit more
difficult for would-be contributors.)

> mq contains the strip command.

Which fits into regular Mercurial usage without requiring any MQ
knowledge, agreed.

By the way, is eol a requirement for people using Windows tools with
limitations only, or for every person that will clone Python?


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