[Python-Dev] OS X buildbots: why am I skipping these tests?

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Jul 1 00:01:10 CEST 2010

>> When Tim Peters added it, he wanted it to tell him whether he did the
>> Windows build correctly, INCLUDING ALL OPTIONAL PACKAGES that can
>> possibly work on Windows. If you try to generalize this beyond Windows,
>> then the only skips that are expected are the ones for tests that
>> absolutely cannot work on the platform - i.e. Unix tests on Windows,
>> and Windows tests on Unix. Otherwise, if you can get it to pass by
>> installing additional software, Tim did *not* mean this to be an
>> expected skip.
> Interesting. Do you use it that way when you make the Windows build?

You want a honest answer? I usually don't run the test suite on Windows,
and trust that the packaging will tell me if an extension module failed
to build (and otherwise trust that if the setup worked for the release
candidate, it will also work for the final release).

Independent of that, I also decided to entirely ignore the notion of
expected skipped test (so even if I would run the test suite, I wouldn't
bother if one was reported as skipped).


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