[Python-Dev] PEP 385 progress report

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 22:58:59 CET 2010

Hi Dirkjan,

On 8/02/2010 8:35 AM, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:

> In fact, a few weeks ago I talked to Brett and we figured that we
> should probably pin down a deadline. We discussed aiming at May 1, and
> at this time I think that should be feasible. That also seems to
> coincide with the release of 2.7b2, though, so maybe we need to do it
> one week later (or sooner?). Anyway, we figured that a weekend would
> probably be a good time. If we manage to find a good date, I'll put it
> in the PEP.

Isn't setting a date premature while outstanding issues remain without a 
timetable for their resolution?

> As for the current state of The Dreaded EOL Issue, there is an
> extension which seems to be provide all the needed features, but it
> appears there are some nasty corner cases still to be fixed. Martin
> Geisler has been working on it over the sprint, but I think there's
> more work to be done here. Anyone who wants to jump in would be quite
> welcome (maybe Martin will clarify here what exactly the remaining
> issues are).

See http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/EOLTranslationPlan#TODO - of 
particular note:

* There are transient errors in the tests which Martin is yet to 
identify.  These tests do not require windows to reproduce or fix.

* The mercurial tests do not run on Windows.

Given the above, most sane Windows developers would hold off on "live" 
testing of the extension until at least the first issue is resolved - 
but the second issue makes it very difficult for them to help resolve that.



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