[Python-Dev] Backport troubles with mercurial

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Wed Dec 29 15:57:10 CET 2010

Am 29.12.2010 15:17, schrieb Amaury Forgeot d'Arc:
> 2010/12/29 Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net>:
>>>> You need to think about which category your change is
>>>> right now too, when deciding what to backport/svnmerge.
>>> No, today this decision can take place after the development,
>>> some tickets got reopened because a backport was needed.
>> A change can of course also be transplanted after the fact.  It requires another
>> merge, but usually a trivial one.
> No, it's not trivial with hg: this is the very subject of the thread!

I don't understand: if you make the same change in two branches, but
in different changesets, and then merge these branches, Mercurial will
usually notice that and not trouble you with conflicts.


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