[Python-Dev] sharing stdlib across python implementations

Olemis Lang olemis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 17:37:02 CEST 2009

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> Chris Withers <chris <at> simplistix.co.uk> writes:
>> I'm on on stdlib-sig and I'm afraid I don't have the bandwidth to start
>> on it, but I'd just like to throw in (yet again) that it would be great
>> if the stdlib was actually a set of separate python packages with their
>> own version metadata so that packaging tools could manage them, and
>> upgrade them independently of python packages when there are bug fixes.
> This sounds like a bad idea to me. Each Python release is tested and debugged as
> a whole. If you have a lot of possible combinations (module A version 1.1 with
> module B version 1.2, etc.), it becomes impossible for us to ensure proper QA
> for the whole and as a result the quality might become lower, rather than higher.

You are right here !

-1 for splitting the test code and test suite

but I still think it could be a good idea ...

> (of course, if we rigorously enforce APIs and preserve compatibility,


> this might
> not be a real issue; but our compatibility story is a bit irregular, IMHO)

mainly because of this ;o)

But it's still possible to use a parameterized `setup.py` and leave
things just like they are right now.

For instance, I have started something like that has been dome by the
FLiOOPS  project [1]_ (and possibly others, it's just an example ;o).
In the SVN repository there's a single trunk containing the whole
PyOOP package (which is not complete BTW). Inside of it there are
separate `setup.py` files for other distributions too :

  - `PyOOP` (which should contain them all) employs default `setup.py`
  - `dutest` is a single file (there are more in there) under
`oop.utils` package and
     is distributed separately too, so you can find in there `setup_dutest.py`
     script. All other packages rely on it to build test suites ;o)
  - CASPy (Comprehensive Assertion Support for Python) should be distributed
    separately too, so it should have its own `setup_dbc.py` script
once it's ready.

When I create (SVN) tags for each package, I have to rename it
(extra-overhead), and I once global metadata changes, then I have to
change them all

PS: Another alternative for stdlib could be to have common data in
`setup.cfg` and separate `setup.py` scripts, but I don't really like
this one ...



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