[Python-Dev] IO module precisions and exception hierarchy

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sun Sep 27 13:31:46 CEST 2009

Pascal Chambon wrote:
> Found in current io PEP :
> Q: Do we want to mandate in the specification that switching between 
> reading and writing on a read-write object implies a .flush()? Or is 
> that an implementation convenience that users should not rely on?
> -> it seems that the only important matter is : file pointer positions 
> and bytes/characters read should always be the ones that the user 
> expects, as if there
> were no buffering. So flushing or not may stay a non-mandatory 
> behaviour, as long as the buffered streams ensures this data integrity.
> Eg. If a user opens a file in r/w mode, writes two bytes in it (which 
> stay buffered), and then reads 2 bytes, the two bytes read should be 
> those on range [2:4] of course, even though the file pointer would, 
> due to python buffering, still be at index 0.
> Q from me : What happens in read/write text files, when overwriting a 
> three-bytes character with a single-byte character ? Or at the 
> contrary, when a single chinese character overrides 3 ASCII characters 
> in an UTF8 file ? Is there any system designed to avoid this data 
> corruption ? Or should TextIO classes forbid read+write streams ?
> IO Exceptions :
> Currently, the situation is kind of fuzzy around EnvironmentError 
> subclasses.
> * OSError represents errors notified by the OS via errno.h error codes 
> (as mirrored in the python "errno" module).
> errno.h errors (less than 125 error codes) seem to represent the whole 
> of *nix system errors. However, Windows has many more system errors 
> (15000+). So windows errors, when they can't be mapped to one of the 
> errno errors are raises as "WindowsError" instances (a subclass of 
> OSError), with the special attribute "winerror" indicating that win32 
> error code.
> * IOError are "errors raised because of I/O problems", but they use 
> errno codes, like OSError.
> Thus, at the moment IOErrors rather have the semantic of "particular 
> case of OSError", and it's kind of confusing to have them remain in 
> their own separate tree... Furthermore, OSErrors are often used where 
> IOErrors would perfectly fit, eg. in low level I/O functions of the OS 
> module.
> Since OSErrors and IOErrors are slightly mixed up when we deal with IO 
> operations, maybe the easiest way to make it clearer would be to push 
> to their limits already existing designs.
> - the os module should only raise OSErrors, whatever the os operation 
> involved (maybe it's already the case in CPython, isn't it ?)
> - the io module should only raise IOErrors and its subclasses, so that 
> davs can easily take measures depending on the cause of the io failure 
> (except 1 OSError exception, it's already the case in _fileio)
> - other modules refering to i/o might maybe keep their current (fuzzy) 
> behaviour, since they're more platform specific, and should in the end 
> be replaced by a crossplatform solution (at least I'd love it to happen)
> Until there, there would be no real benefits for the user, compared to 
> catching EnvironmentErrors as most probably do. But the sweet thing 
> would be to offer a concise but meaningfull IOError hierarchy, so that 
> we can easily handle most specific errors gracefully (having a disk 
> full is not the same level of gravity as simply having another process 
> locking your target file).
> Here is a very rough beginning of IOError hierarchy. I'd liek to have 
> people's opinion on the relevance of these, as well as on what other 
> exceptions should be distinguished from basic IOErrors.
> IOError
>  +-InvalidStreamError  (eg. we try to write on a stream opened in 
> readonly mode)
>  +-LockingError
>  +-PermissionError (mostly *nix chmod stuffs)
>  +-FileNotFoundError
>  +-DiskFullError
>  +-MaxFileSizeError (maybe hard to implement, happens when we exceed 
> 4Gb on fat32 and stuffs...)
>  +-InvalidFileNameError (filepath max lengths, or "? / : " characters 
> in a windows file name...)

Personally I'd love to see a richer set of exceptions for IO errors, so 
long as they can be implemented for all supported platforms and no 
information (err number from the os) is lost.

I've been implementing a fake 'file' type [1] for Silverlight which does 
IO operations using local browser storage. The use case is for an online 
Python tutorial running in the browser [2]. Whilst implementing the 
exception behaviour (writing to a file open in read mode, etc) I 
considered improving the exception messages as they are very poor - but 
decided that being similar to CPython was more important.


[2] http://www.trypython.org/

> Regards,
> Pascal
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