[Python-Dev] 2.7 Release? 2.7 == last of the 2.x line?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Tue Nov 3 18:35:57 CET 2009

Arc Riley <arcriley <at> gmail.com> writes:
> +1 on ending with 2.6.I'm the maintainer of 3rd party Python 3-only packages
> and have ported a few modules that we needed with some help from the 2to3 
> tool.  It's really not a big deal - and Py3 really is a massive improvement.
> The main thing holding back the community are lazy and/or obstinate package 
> maintainers.  If they spent half the time they've put into complaining about 
> Py3 into actually working to upgrade their code they'd be done now.

One thing you could do is explain (do you have a blog?) how Py3 is a massive
improvement for you as a developer and package maintainer.
We core developers obviously agree that py3k is better than 2.x, but the same
opinion coming from a third-party developer would carry a different weight.



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