[Python-Dev] And the winner is...

Mike Coleman tutufan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 20:04:47 CEST 2009

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull
<stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:
> I also just wrote a long post about the comparison of bzr to hg
> responding to a comment on bazaar at canonical.com.  I won't recap it
> here but it might be of interest.

I found the post interesting.  Here's a link to the start of the thread:


There's a bit of bafflement there regarding Python culture.  I can
relate--although I love Python, I don't feel like I understand the
culture either.

> It wouldn't be that hard to do a rewrite in Python, but the git
> programmers are mostly kernel people.  They write in C and shell.

I mentioned this once on the git list and Linus' response was
something like "C lets me see exactly what's going on".  I'm not
unsympathetic to this point of view--I'm really growing to loathe C++
partly because it *doesn't* let me see exactly what's going on--but
I'm not convinced, either.

It looks like there might be a Python clone sprouting here:


> People who lean toward the DAG as *recording* history will prefer
> Mercurial or Bazaar. People who tend to see the DAG as a tool for
> *presenting* changes will prefer git.

I've noticed this tension as well.  It seems to me that both uses are
important, so I suspect all three will eventually steal each other's
features with respect to this over time.


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