[Python-Dev] In-place operators

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Tue Mar 17 23:10:53 CET 2009

> Right. Since Python doesn't have a notation like "operator +" for
> turning operators into functions, the operator module provides this
> functionality. Better safe than sorry.

It doesn't really expose this functionality because some of the functionality
is buried in ceval.c and is not exposed by operator.isub() for example.
I don't see that it offers anything useful that can't be accomplished 
by calling a magic method directly.

I'm sure that consistency/completeness/safe_vs_sorry 
was the reason they were added.  But, if they aren't useful, 
they never should have been (IMO).  It wastes the time of 
people who try to use them and then find-out that they don't 
act as expected (the assignment doesn't take place) or that 
you can't use them with containers s[k] += x etc.)  

Maybe someone somewhere has some interesting use for
these in-place operator function.  I hope so.


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