[Python-Dev] Building Py3K branch docs with Sphinx

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Mar 12 16:33:23 CET 2009

andrew cooke wrote:
> Tim Golden wrote:
>> Tim Golden wrote:
>>> Can I ask which flavour of Sphinx is being used to build the py3k docs?
>>> I've taken the naive approach of simply pulling the sources from
>>> branches/py3k and then calling make checkout to fetch the appropriate
>>> sources, but these are from http://svn.python.org/projects and are
>>> the same for 2.x and 3.x (and don't work under 3.x).
>> ... or I could just use an existing Python 2.x installation to build
>> the 3.x docs. Obviously. (slaps forehead)
> I asked about this on the Sphinx list a while back.  I didn't get any
> response at the time, but checking now I see that a week later someone
> (the author I assume) commented -
> http://groups.google.com/group/sphinx-dev/browse_thread/thread/9a0286f5deeb2912/778a02c397295add
> So it seems that there is no public solution until release 0.6, and that
> you cannot be able to run doctests when running with a "different" Python
> version (my code should work with 3.0 and 2.6, so tests might work; for
> some reason I can no longer remember I disabled that).

Thanks for the update; the thing's a bit complicated because Sphinx
is based on docutils and docutils makes heavy use of except ABC, def
and of unicode strings. I tried hand-changing it briefly but it all
got a bit cumbersome. Maybe 2to3 will work ok. For now, tho', I've
switched to using 2.x to generate and all is well.


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