[Python-Dev] Issues with Py3.1's new ipaddr

Davide Alberani davide.alberani at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 16:35:39 CEST 2009

> I've just subscribed to python-dev again after being pointed towards
> this thread (thanks Raymond).

The same for me, thanks. :-)
I'm the author of IPLib [1]; I don't consider myself an expert on the
subject and my code dates back to Python 1.6 times (last updated in 2005).
Moreover, while it works for me and its almost non-existent user base,
I assume it can't be used for anything but as a source of ideas.

> There is a veritable graveyard of stuff out there! Some good,
> some not so good.

The fact is that most of the times a programmer writes yet another
Python IP module to cover only a very limited and usually simple
aspect of IP manipulation that he needs at the given time (a conversion
to/from decimal, a check for inclusion in a CIDR, ...)

> A sensible discussion from a *broad* base of network admins, 
> sysadmins and developers using Python on the formulation of a
> reasonable functional specification and design for a brand new
> library

To me, this makes a lot of sense: check which are the most used
modules and ask the users.
Generically speaking, I tend to agree with Clay, as I always had
looked at IP addresses, netmasks and CIDR blocks as separate
concepts, but again: I'm not an expert.

[1] http://erlug.linux.it/~da/soft/iplib/
    Only supports IPv4; its main use is to convert amongst notations,
    but can be used to check if an IP (or another subnet) is included
    in a CIDR block and to gather some basic information about a CIDR.

Davide Alberani <davide.alberani at gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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