[Python-Dev] Update to Python Documentation Website Request

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 11:28:51 CEST 2009

2009/7/25 David Lyon <david.lyon at preisshare.net>:
>> It would, in fact, be best to work with the team performing ongoing
>> active standardisation of distutils functionality.
> I am already doing that.
> But there is a bias against windows development and a bias
> against native applications. That's fine because I know they
> are using python on different platforms.

??? I see no bias as you describe in the distutils enhancement work.
Everything so far has been carefully platform-neutral (ie, *not*
biased against Windows, but equally not biased against other operating

Native applications are by definition not platform neutral. How does
your proposal help Linux users? Mac OS? Solaris?

I think you are seeing bias against Windows where non exists. What
*does* exist is
- A concern that tools work for everyone, regardless of OS
- A limited number of people willing to explain Windows issues so that
they get considered

> I'm working on a proposal to make setup.py object oriented
> and  "modern".
> http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Proposals

And that looks interesting, and potentially useful (although perhaps
more radical than will end up being possible).

> So I'm doing as much as I can - really.

If your concern is to make things easier for Windows users, then your
application is worthwhile, but it should probably remain an external
project. If it gets overwhelming support, maybe providing a
standardised version with a simplified UI in the core would be an
option. How many users do you have currently?


PS Does your application work with the large existing base of
bdist_msi and bdist_wininst installers? Unless it will manage pywin32,
cx_Oracle, PIL, wxPython, pyQT, pygame, numpy etc (all of which are
available in binary form but not as eggs as far as I know, and have
too complex a set of dependencies for me to build locally) it's
useless to me.

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