[Python-Dev] microsoft dlls apparently don't support data. implications: PyAPI functions required to access data across modules.

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Sun Jan 25 18:12:15 CET 2009

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton schrieb:
>  i mean... has anyone _written_ a third party module that returns
> Py_None on a c-code module and had it compiled on windows?

Lot's of people have written 3rd party extensions that work on Windows
and can return a Py_None object.

Please stop spamming the Python developer list with irrelevant, wrong,
confusing and sometimes offensive messages. To be perfectly honest it's
If you want to propose a new feature then python-ideas is the right
mailing list. For everything else you should stick to the python-general
or capi-sig list.


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