[Python-Dev] progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Wed Jan 21 21:08:05 CET 2009

> http://bugs.python.org/issue5010

correction: that's http://bugs.python.org/issue5026 apologies for the mix-up.

also,for the msvcrt80 build, it is _essential_ that you use a patched
version of mingw32-runtime, see:
libmsvcr80.a mistakenly thinks that _fstat exists (it doesn't - only
_fstat32 does, and many more).
it's quite straightforward to rebuild - just remember to run
./configure --prefix=/mingw and if you want to revert just reinstall
mingw runtime .exe


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