[Python-Dev] testsuite with tmp/@test

Kristján Valur Jónsson kristjan at ccpgames.com
Tue Jan 13 15:09:25 CET 2009

By accident i had a dir called @test in my PCBuild directory when I was running the testsuite.
This caused the test_support to define TESTFN as tmp/@test.

This again caused a number of tests to fail.  One issue I have already covered in http://bugs.python.org/issue4927
Another issue is test_import which doesn't like importing with filename.
But a lot of tests fail because of incorrect path name delimeters and such.  Shouldn't we try to make this
work as well as possible even with a temp file that is in a subdirectory?
And, Oh, I'm using windows which aggreviates the issue with the slash/backslash confusion.

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