[Python-Dev] I would like an svn account

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Jan 3 23:17:52 CET 2009

> I have been using bzr for all of my importlib work. It's worked out
> well sans the problem that SOMEONE <cough>Barry</cough> has not
> upgraded the bzr installation to support the newest wire protocol.

I'm probably to blame for this. Debian doesn't come with the latest
bzr revision (bzr evolves way too fast for Debian, so that even their
backports infrastructure doesn't provide recent binaries). I'm fairly
opposed to installing non-vendor packages on www.python.org, as those
typically don't see any maintenance, and often break as the regular
packages get upgraded.

As a consequence, I would always request that whatever VCS Python
uses: the version that is in the current Debian's "stable" distribution
must be sufficient to use the VCS, and must in particular be sufficient
on the server side.

Unfortunately, the current Debian release is stuck in political debates,
so that we still can't use subversion 1.5 on the server.


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