[Python-Dev] Attention Bazaar mirror users

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 22:11:10 CET 2009

2009/2/21 "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>:
>> Wouldn't such hypothetical core Python developers be able to build and
>> run their own local copy of bzr, using that self-compiled Python?
> It has been hypothetical for a while, but it never was about core
> developers.

Given that it *is* all hypothetical by now, if someone is interested
in hacking on Python, why should they have to build their own copy of
the DVCS to do so?


PS Just for my own information, am I correct in thinking that it is
*only* Bazaar in the (D)VCS world that has this problem, to any real
extent? I know old Mercurial clients can interact with newer servers
(ie, the wire protocol hasn't changed), I'm fairly sure that older
Subversion clients can talk to newer servers (at least, I've never
cared what client version I'm running). I've not heard of this type of
discussion around Git (but my experience is limited). But Bazaar seems
very prone to this "upgrade the server and the clients need to be
upgraded too" cycle.

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