[Python-Dev] IO implementation: in C and Python?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Feb 20 11:48:25 CET 2009

Benjamin Peterson <benjamin <at> python.org> writes:
> As we prepare to merge the io-c branch, the question has come up [1]
> about the original Python implementation. Should it just be deleted in
> favor C version? The wish to maintain the two implementations together
> has been raised on the basis that Python is easier to experiment on
> and read (for other vm implementors).

As I said, if it is the way forward, I suggest putting the Python version in a
separate module (e.g. pyio.py), for the sake of clarity and also because it may
slightly improve startup times (the pure-Python module wouldn't get imported in
normal conditions).

Your thoughts?



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