[Python-Dev] what Windows and Linux really do Re: PEP 383 (again)

Thomas Breuel tmbdev at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 11:20:10 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:21, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:

> Thomas Breuel wrote:
> > Given the stated rationale of PEP 383, I was wondering what Windows
> > actually does.  So, I created some ISO8859-15 and ISO8859-8 encoded file
> > names on a device, plugged them into my Windows Vista machine, and fired
> > up Python 3.0.
> How did you do that, and what were the specific names that you
> had chosen?

There are several different ways I tried it.  The easiest was to mount a
vfat file system with various encodings on Linux and use the Python byte
interface to write file names, then plug that flash drive into Windows.

> I think you misinterpreted what you saw. To find out what way you
> misinterpreted it, we would have to know what it is that you saw.

I didn't interpret it much at all.  I'm just saying that the PEP 383
assumption that these problems can't occur on Windows isn't true.

I can plug in a flash drive with malformed strings, and somewhere between
the disk and Python, something maps those strings onto unicode in some way,
and it's done in a way that's different from PEP 383.  Mono and Java must
have their own solutions that are different from PEP 383.

My point remains that I think PEP 383 shouldn't be rushed through, and one
should look more carefully first at what the Windows kernel does in these
situations, and what Mono and Java do.

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