[Python-Dev] PEP 383 (again)

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Apr 28 18:46:19 CEST 2009

> If we follow your approach, that ISO8859-15 string will get turned into
> an escaped unicode string inside Python.  If I understand your proposal
> correctly, if it's a output file name and gets passed to Python's open
> function, Python will then decode that string and end up with an
> ISO8859-15 byte sequence, which it will write to disk literally, even if
> the encoding for the system is UTF-8.   That's the wrong thing to do.

I don't think anything can, or should be, done about that. If you had
byte-oriented interfaces (as you do in 2.x), exactly the same thing will
happen: the name of the file will be the very same byte sequence as the
one passed on the command line. Most Unix users here agree that this is
the right thing to happen.


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