[Python-Dev] #!/usr/bin/env python --> python3 where applicable

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 07:04:02 CEST 2009

Steven Bethard wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Note that such an approach would then require an altaltinstall command
>> in order to be able to install a specific version of python 3.x without
>> changing the python3 alias (e.g. installing 3.2 without overriding 3.1).
> I wasn't suggesting that there shouldn't be a "python3.1",
> "python3.2", etc. I'm more concerned about "fullinstall" creating
> "python3" instead of regular "python".

If I understand Tony's summary correctly, the situation after Benjamin's
latest checkin is as follows:

2.x altinstall:
  - installs python2.x executable

2.x fullinstall (default for "make install"):
  - installs python2.x executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python symlink to new executable

3.x altinstall (default for "make install"):
  - installs python3.x executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python3 symlink to new executable

3.x fullinstall:
  - installs python3.x executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python3 symlink to new executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python symlink to new executable

With that setup, I'm sure we're going to get people complaining that
'altinstall' of 3.2 broke their python3 symlink from 3.1. If there are
going to be 3 levels of executable naming (python3.x, python3, python),
there needs to be 3 levels of installation rather than the traditional 2.

For example, add a new target "py3install" and make that the default for

3.x altinstall:
  - installs python3.x executable

3.x py3install (default for "make install"):
  - installs python3.x executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python3 symlink to new executable

3.x fullinstall:
  - installs python3.x executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python3 symlink to new executable
  - adjusts (or creates) python symlink to new executable


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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