[Python-Dev] Cycle collection enhancement idea

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Jun 29 20:57:43 CEST 2008

> By "revive cycles", I mean make sure that they are referenced by an
> independent referrer (one that won't go away as part of the __del__
> calling process).

I think this is a) unfortunate terminology (as the cycle is not dead,
so no need to revive), and b) unnecessary, as calling __del__ will
add a reference, anyway (in the implicit self parameter).

So the object won't go away as long as __del__ runs. It might go
away immediately after __del__ returns, which may or may not be a

> This is similar to how the tp_dealloc code
> increases the refcount (actually sets it to 1, because it was
> certainly 0 when entering the destructor) before calling the __del__
> slot.  Without reviving the object before calling its __del__ in the
> destructor, and without reviving the objects of a cycle before calling
> its __del__'s, the __del__ Pythonic code may be exposed to "dead
> objects" (refcount==0).

No, that can't happen, and, AFAICT, is *not* the reason why the
tp_dealloc resurrects the object. Instead, if it wouldn't
resurrect it, tp_dealloc might become recursive, deallocating the
object twice.

> Consider the cycle:
> a.x = b
> b.x = a
> Lets suppose the a object has a __del__. Lets assume each object in
> the cycle has a refcount of 1 (and the cycle should die). Now lets say
> this is a's __del__ code:
> def __del__(self):
>   self.x = None
> Running it will set 'b's refcount to 0 and call its destructor, which
> will set 'a's refcount to 0 and also call its destructor. But its
> __del__ is currently running - so "self" must not have a refcount of
> 0.

And it won't, because (say) PyObject_CallMethod (to call __del__) calls
PyObject_GetAttrString, which returns a bound method which refers to
im_self for the entire life of

> If you only incref on 'a' before calling __del__, then you are
> probably alright, as long as there is only one __del__.

Why would you think so? We explicitly call one __del__. Assume
that breaks the cycle, causing another object with __del__ to go
to refcount zero. Now, tp_dealloc is called, raises the refcount,
calls __del__ of the other object, and releases its storage.

>> Can you please elaborate? What would such __del__ ordering issues be?
> If you call b's __del__ first then a's __del__ will fail. If you call
> a's __del__ first, then all is well.  Ofcourse you can create true
> cyclic dependencies that no order will work, and its pretty clear
> there is no way to deduce the right order anyway.  This is what I mean
> by "ordering issues".

I see. As we are in interpreter shutdown, any such exceptions should
be ignored (as exceptions in __del__ are, anyway). Programs involving
such cycles should be considered broken, and be rewritten to avoid them
(which I claim is always possible, and straight-forward)

> Note that the __del__'s themselves may be breaking cycles and
> refcounts will go to 0 - unless you temporarily revive (incref) the
> entire cycle first.

See above - you shouldn't need to.

>> I still don't understand what "revive the cycle" means. You will need to
>> incref the object for which you call __del__, that's all.
> Unless there are multiple __del__'s in the cycle.

Not even then.


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