[Python-Dev] Progress on switching Windows build to Berkeley DB 4.7.25...

Trent Nelson tnelson at onresolve.com
Wed Jun 18 07:48:40 CEST 2008

Hi all,

Jesus, apologies that this has taken so long for me to get back to, I've been completely and utterly swamped with client work the past few weeks.  However, thanks to a couple of hours spare at Detroit airport yesterday, I was finally able to make some progress on updating the Windows Berkeley DB build to 4.7.25.  I've checked in the work I've done so far to branches/tnelson-trunk-bsddb-47-upgrade.  One thing I wanted to double check with you is the following change:

Modified: python/branches/tnelson-trunk-bsddb-47-upgrade/Lib/bsddb/test/test_replication.py
--- python/branches/tnelson-trunk-bsddb-47-upgrade/Lib/bsddb/test/test_replication.py   (original)
+++ python/branches/tnelson-trunk-bsddb-47-upgrade/Lib/bsddb/test/test_replication.py   Wed Jun 18 06:13:44 2008
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         # The timeout is necessary in BDB 4.5, since DB_EVENT_REP_STARTUPDONE
         # is not generated if the master has no new transactions.
         # This is solved in BDB 4.6 (#15542).
-        timeout = time.time()+2
+        timeout = time.time()+10
         while (time.time()<timeout) and not (self.confirmed_master and self.client_startupdone) :
         if db.version() >= (4,6) :

Basically, when using +2, the test failed every so often when running the entire test_bsddb3 suite.  I picked 10 arbitrarily; it improves things, but it's still not 100%, I still encounter the following failure every so often:

ERROR: test01_basic_replication (bsddb.test.test_replication.DBReplicationManager)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "s:\src\svn+ssh\pythondev at svn.python.org\python\branches\tnelson-trunk-bsddb-47-upgrade\lib\bsddb\test\test_replication.py", line 101, in setUp

Can you comment on this?

Apart from this small issue, the other 311 tests pass on x86 and x64 with flying colours, so nice work, whatever you've been doing ;-)



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