[Python-Dev] Small RFEs and the Bug Tracker

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 12:57:16 CET 2008

Facundo Batista wrote:
> First two definitions of "resolve" from the American Heritage dict:
>   1. To make a firm decision about.
>   2. To cause (a person) to reach a decision.
> I think it applies quite well.

It only tells you that a resolution was reached, not what that 
resolution was.

"Resolution: resolved" is meaningless repetition - what matters is *how* 
the issue was resolved, and simply saying 'resolved' doesn't tell 
anybody that. 'Fixed', 'accepted', 'invalid', 'rejected' , etc are 
resolutions since they give you some idea of how the issue was resolved 
- the only thing missing is a definition of just how they should be used.*

Now, dropping 'later', 'postponed' and 'remind' from the list of 
available resolutions is something I could wholeheartedly support. If we 
want to postpone something to a later release, we should put an 
appropriate entry in the version list.

My stab at definitions for the other resolutions:

   # Feature request resolutions
   accepted - feature request accepted (possibly via attached patch)
   rejected - feature request rejected

   # Bug report resolutions
   fixed - reported bug fixed (possibly via attached patch)
   invalid - reported behaviour is intentional and not a bug
   works for me - bug could not be replicated from bug report
   out of date - bug is already fixed in later Python version
   wont fix - valid bug, but not fixable in CPython (very rare)

   # Common resolutions
   duplicate - same as another issue (refer to other issue in a comment)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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