[Python-Dev] extremely slow exit for program having huge (45G) dict (python 2.5.2)

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Tue Dec 23 01:34:53 CET 2008

> Now, we should find a way to benchmark this without having to steal Mike's
> machine and wait 30 minutes every time.

So, I seem to reproduce it. The following script takes about 15 seconds to
run and allocates a 2 GB dict which it deletes at the end (gc disabled of
With 2.4, deleting the dict takes ~1.2 seconds while with 2.5 and higher
(including 3.0), deleting the dict takes ~3.5 seconds. Nothing spectacular
but the difference is clear.

Also, after the dict is deleted and before the program exits, you can witness
(with `ps` or `top`) that 2.5 and higher has reclaimed 1GB, while 2.4 has
reclaimed nothing. There is a sleep() call at the end so that you have the
time :-)

You can tune memory occupation at the beginning of the script, but the lower
the more difficult it will be to witness a difference.




import random
import time
import gc
import itertools

# Adjust this parameter according to your system RAM!
target_size = int(2.0  * 1024**3)  # 2.0 GB

pool_size = 4 * 1024
# This is a ballpark estimate: 60 bytes overhead for each
# { dict entry struct + float object + tuple object header },
# 1.3 overallocation factor for the dict.
target_length = int(target_size / (1.3 * (pool_size + 60)))

def make_dict():
    print ("filling dict up to %d entries..." % target_length)

    # 1. Initialize the dict from a set of pre-computed random keys.
    keys = [random.random() for i in range(target_length)]
    d = dict.fromkeys(keys)

    # 2. Build the values that will constitute the dict. Each value will, as
    #    far as possible, span a contiguous `pool_size` memory area.

    # Over 256 bytes per alloc, PyObject_Malloc defers to the system malloc()
    # We avoid that by allocating tuples of smaller longs.
    int_size = 200
    # 24 roughly accounts for the long object overhead (YMMV)
    int_start = 1 << ((int_size - 24) * 8 - 7)
    int_range = range(1, 1 + pool_size // int_size)

    values = [None] * target_length
    # Maximize allocation locality by pre-allocating the values
    for n in range(target_length):
        values[n] = tuple(int_start + j for j in int_range)
        if n % 10000 == 0:
            print ("  %d iterations" % n)

    # The keys are iterated over in their original order rather than in
    # dict order, so as to randomly spread the values in the internal dict
    # table wrt. allocation address.
    for n, k in enumerate(keys):
        d[k] = values[n]

    print ("dict filled!")
    return d

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t1 = time.time()
    d = make_dict()
    t2 = time.time()
    print (" -> %.3f s." % (t2 - t1))
    print ("deleting dict...")
    t2 = time.time()
    del d
    t3 = time.time()
    print (" -> %.3f s." % (t3 - t2))
    print ("Finished, you can press Ctrl+C.")

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