[Python-Dev] If I check something in ...

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Dec 22 23:27:07 CET 2008

> I would like to add it to the 2.6 and 3.0 maintenance branch and the 2.x
> trunk and the py3k branch.  What is the preferred way to do that?  Do I
> really have to do the same task four times or can I check it in once (or
> twice) secure in the belief that someone will come along and do a monster
> merge?

You shouldn't check it in four times. But (IMO) you also shouldn't wait
for somebody else to merge it (I know some people disagree with that

Instead, you should commit it into trunk, and then run svnmerge.py three
times, namely:

- in a release26-maint checkout, run

    svnmerge.py -r<yourrev>
    svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-something-press-tab

- in a py3k checkout, run

    svnmerge.py -r<yourrev>
    svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-something-press-tab

- in a release30-maint check, then run

   svnmerge.py -r<revfrom3k>
   svn revert .
   svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-something-press-tab


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