[Python-Dev] Decimal news

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 15:01:32 CEST 2007

2007/9/18, Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org>:

> Unfortunately, that's not how it works :-) If you check something into the
> trunk, it will be merged into Py3k sooner or later. I may ask the original
> submitter for assistance if it's incredibly hard to figure out the changes,
> but so far, I only had to do that with the SSL changes. The decimal changes
> are being merged as I write this (tests running now.) Is there anything in
> particular that needs to be done for decimal in Py3k, besides renaming
> __div__ to __truediv__?

There isn't nothing really special to do, but my plan was because I
didn't know how the mechanism worked, ;)

It'd be great if all the changes that I'm making to Decimal are
automatically, at some point, merged into Py3k (I guess that using the
conversion tool).

But at some point, both codes may start to diverge, because
Py3k-specific optimizations could be done there... but this could be
done in an year or two, ;).

So, how is this handled? Until which moment can I expect that the
changes in the trunk are merged to Py3k?

Thank you very much!


.    Facundo

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