[Python-Dev] 2.5.1, buildbots and my availability

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Wed Mar 21 04:41:00 CET 2007

I'm moving house today and tomorrow, and don't expect to have 
internet access connected up at home til sometime next week. In the 
meantime, if there's urgent 2.5.1 related issues, bear with me, as 
I'll only be on email during the working day. cc Neal (hi Neal :) 
is the best bet. Also, the cygwin and ubuntu/icc buildbots will be 
offline in the interim - I'll be unplugging them this afternoon to 
move them. I can still cut the 2.5.1 release - can always do it 
during the day, even if the stupid ISP takes longer than I expect 
to connect up the net.

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